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User Profile Management


Users, groups and permits

The management of administrative accesses in FlexCMP is completely configurable, depending on the actual needs of the final user. There are no predefined roles: you can create different groups with a combination of user rights and then register users to one or more groups.
The organisation of different content and services is carried out by the function "Users, groups and permits Manager". This function allows you to divide the management of large portals into sections with responsibility being entrusted to different user groups.
The users of every group are then divided according to their abilities (for example, the ability to modify pages but not to publish those changes until they have been explicitly approved by a supervisor). The management of users and permits can be extended for the use of authentication mechanisms based on LDAP or Active Directory


User Profile Content Visibility

FlexCMP provides to display different pages and different content inside single page as well, according with user profile rules and permissions.
The website administrator can decide to display or hide single contents or single pages to different groups of users.


Reserved Area Management

Thanks to the advanced management function provided by the Community Module you can separate access to content and services, depending on which well-defined group the user belongs to.
Reserved areas are typical of the Community Module and allow you to create access controlled site sections (even nesting).


Extendable Authentication Mechanisms

The creation of identification and registration mechanisms are created in FlexCMP according to a flexible authentication strategy realised via the creation of users and groups permits, access rules and content modifications settings.


LDAP or Active Directory

FlexCMP architecture also allows the use of hierarchical recognition and authorisation mechanisms, like LDAP or Active Directory, both through direct requests (even through web services) and through importation mechanisms inside the system.