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Social Networking & Integration


Facebook, Twitter, Google+ Integration

FLEXCmp provides fully integration with most popular social network like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Just enabling a simple button inside the page, the user will have the possibility to fix "I Like" for Facebook or to share page in Twitter and Google+.
FlexCMP can integrate and show, in every position inside the pages, one or more boxes  that automatically display the last posts of institutional profiles in the socials network.


Geomapping and Google map Interface

The Geomapping module, integrated in the framework FlexCMP, allows to create geo-mapped sites where is possible to associate to all typology of contents, a point, a path or an area on the interactive maps.
The geo-mapping module makes possible to add to the published pages various geographical information and  implements functionality of organization, search and selection of the pages through geographical criteria.
The system is based on Google Maps and it is mainly constituted by two components: an object map (Geo-information) that introduces geographical elements in the published pages and an extractor of geo-referenced pages (Geo-extractor) that  extracts some sets of pages.
In both cases the effect it is the creation of interactive maps  including single information or all complete set of information.
The closestpoints of interest management is made easy by the clustering  functionalities: a special marker collects them and  shows the number of gathered points, thatbecome then separated elements  increasingzoom.


Import/export feed RSS and XML

Importing and displaying external RSS feeds on your site is a great way to share your online activity with your visitors. If you are active on Flickr, Delicious, Twitter, or Tumblr, your visitors will enjoy staying current with your updates. Many social media sites provide exclusive feeds for user-generated content that may be imported and displayed on virtually any web page.

FlexCMP exports all the content inserted through it in XML format, so it can be processed with other eventual applications. It differs from other CMS in that the content produced with FlexCMP remains accessible and can be changed in all forms.

Furthermore, FlexCMP is able to import, manipulate and publish information in XML which comes from other systems (e.g. the exportation of XML data which comes from Lotus Domino databases and its successive importation into FlexCMP). All trademarks and software cited are the property of their lawful owners.