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Content Visibility

Web standards

The WorldWide Web Consortium (W3C) is the main international standard organization for the World Wide Web (abbreviated WWW or W3).
The consortium is made up of member organizations which maintain full-time staff for the purpose of working together in the development of standards for the WorldWide Web.
W3C also engages in education and outreach, develops software and serves as an openforum for discussion about the Web
FLEXCmp respects and satisfies Web Standards requirements granting good web site visibility in web search engine ranking. FLEXCmp allows to maintain subsequently the respect of the standard W3Cs even in case of updatings or restyling of the web site

Tagging and Classification

All contents can be tagged applying keywords and information. Tagging and Classification allows you to Create your own tagging categories specific to your site.
The employment of classification schemes in the web is day by day more recurrent; particularly such schemes, with the necessary adaptations, in the web are employed for the organization of the knowledge, that is to give a coherent and organic structure to contents present in the web. Tagging and Classification allows you to create your own tagging categories specific to your site, edit and modify tagging values and create end-user filtering without requiring programming.  You have possibility to aggregate pages and documents on to a landing page.
FlexCMP allows you to manage the organisation of its own content in a completely native way via an axis classification which goes beyond the classic channel structure, exceeding, where needs be, the usual limitations associated with flat (without indications of relationships between the items) and non multiple organisations (while the axis are potentially infinite).
Still, the presence of a Classifier allows you to take advantage of numerous ways of exploiting navigation management, e.g. the creation of entire menus by rendering entire classification axis navigable, and slowly filtering the information (even when it is present many times in many different positions as a result of multiple classification) according to the individual classification items it comes across. This allows you to, for example, make a navigable classification axis, where items are pages which can or cannot feature in the various thematic menus depending on whether they have been classified in one way or another (or in various ways at the same time).
Finally, the internal search engine allows you to carry out advanced limited research in one or more of the channels, as well as via a codified keyword. This is all done in strict relation with the site's axis and classification methods (in a way which is always configurable from an administrative point of view).

Site Optimisation For Public Search Engines

FlexCMP has been designed to generate pages which are suitable for positioning in public search engines.
In particular:
Every page is always identified with, and identifiable by, its web address (addressable URL). This does not occur in other CMSs, which usually save session navigation parameters or generate frame pages. Thanks to this function, every page visited by the search engine's spider is accessible from the link saved by that same spider. Past parameters in URL addresses don't contain question mark characters, the same is true for businesses as they can penalise the search engine's results.
This allows FlexCMP sites to be always completely index-linked by search engines, which correctly interpret the FlexCMP addresses as folders and subfolders, and not as the parameters of dynamic sites. You can specify the title, key words and descriptions of every page used by the public search engines for positioning. Header peer title and subtitle commands are automatically used in the pages (for a greater contents significance when compared to spider evaluation criteria) FlexCMP sites can always be made to coexist with their appropriate additional shadow pages, which have been optimised for search motors on specific keywords in HTML (or XHTML) without them entering into conflict with each other.