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Statistical Analysis

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Internal Web stats system and Google Analytics integration

FlexCMP statistics, in contrast with normal statistics based on web servers which report data which has been deduced from the heuristic log, supply data which is 100% certain regarding visitors and the pages they visit, thanks to the database sessions saving.
You can also see the number of pages visited monthly and daily, and the number of different visitors. Moreover, for each month, it is possible to know the most visited pages (for each language) and the site entry page. The site entry page allows you to discover if people are entering the site from a public search engine (in which case it is often possible to understand the research string) or if they came across the site in another way. All statistical information is exportable in CSV format for further elaboration in Excel and for the creation of graphs.
Auditing traces both the site accesses in the normal navigation way, as well as administrative accesses. This allows you to see what administrative operations were carried out on a daily basis, even pinpointing the user who carried it out.
All the information concerning statistics and auditing are clearly present in the site's database, allowing every form of elaboration, even with third party tools.
FlexCMP is perfectly intergated with Google Analytics to take advantage of all the functionalities of the most powerful tool of statistic analysis now present on the market.