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E-inclusion and Accessibility

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Accessibility Oriented

Accessibility is: "the ability of the computer systems, in the forms and in the limits allowed by the technological knowledge , to provide services and to distribute enjoyable information, without discriminations, also from those people that need support technologies  or particular configurations because of disability"
FLEXCMP supports Accessibility and Web Standards to meet the needs of all web useres about accessibility and usability topics. The commonly used expression ‘surfing the Web’ implies rapid and free access, pointing to its importance among designers and users alike. It has also been long established that this potentially complex and difficult access is further complicated, and becomes neither rapid nor free, if the user is disabled. There are millions of people who have disabilities that affect their use of the Web.
Web accessibility aims to help these people to perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with, aswell as contribute to,the Web, and thereby the society in general.
FlexCMP is the accessible CMS which was first designed in 2001 to generate sites for maximum accessibility.
Web pages generated by FlexCMP are now created to comply with the recommendations of the W3C-WAI WCAG 2.0 and to the requirements of the Italian Law.
FlexCMP is quickly updated to deal with all changes in the international recommendations regarding accessibility, thereby automatically changing and evolving the sites it manages.


Accessibility controls and suggestions

FlexCMP guarantees conformity with all the accessibility requirements which are automatizable.
Accessibility is not completely automatizable because the content inserted by the user must also conform to the guide lines.
FlexCMP offers solutions in the content insertion stage and analytical and report tools to make it easier to conform to non-automatizable requirements.



E Inclusion is the term used by the European union to define the activities directed to the attainment of a information society that can be inclusive and  that overcomes  the digital divide  and  can use  the new technologies, more specifically Internet, to create "digital cohesion" between all the population segments, including less advantaged people in terms of education, age,  gendre , disability, ethnic group or  living in remote regions.
FlexCMP products suite is projected and addressed to who wants to furnish himselves with technology infrastructure oriented to get this important goal.